Residential Reintegration Programmes
We provide a range of residential-based reintegration programmes from a number of sites across Waikato. These programmes vary based where a person is at in their reintegration, any conditions a person may have, and also by offence history. A component of this work also includes a programme for women on electronically monitored bail who do not have a suitable address to be released to.
Accommodation and support offered through these programmes can include:
Developing and monitoring progress on individualised plans
Improved oranga, health and wellbeing
Support to address addiction and mental health needs
Facilitating restoration with whānau, children, and partners where appropriate
Providing opportunities to connect or reconnect with cultural and spiritual needs, and to experience the cultural diversity Aotearoa has to offer
Work readiness and employment pathways
Support in transitioning to independent living in the community.
Entry to these programmes are through referrals by an individual's case manager.
We celebrate diversity diversity and welcome people of all genders, including trans and intersex people, into our services.

Te Ako Rangatahi
Youth Justice
Te Ako Rangatahi is about creating positive and safe environments for rangatahi to learn new skills and explore new pathways, while they navigate the youth justice system.
Our Whainga are to:
Strengthen hope with our rangatahi and their whānau.
Advocate for our rangatahi; listen to the unheard, speak for the voiceless.
Empower our rangatahi to create new narratives and better futures.
Engage with our rangatahi through positive role modelling.
Transform relationships and help build stronger people, whānau and communities.
Encourage our rangatahi to establish, build and maintain connections to their whānau, hāpū and iwi.
Our youth hub is a space for mentors to bring rangatahi they are working with, into a place that is safe and welcoming. We have a full kitchen, bathroom, lounge, laundry, crafts room, garden, garage and gym set up. These facilities are used on a daily basis, to develop and grow the life skills of the rangatahi.

He Ūkaipō
Children & Mothers
We are a residential programme for tamariki and their mothers. For the tamariki, whom we hold firmly at the centre of our practice, He Ūkaipō is a place of safety. We will support them to build strong, positive relationships, and develop and grow spiritually, emotionally and physically. We recognise the interdependent nature of their wellbeing with that of the significant people in their lives, and their environment.
Once a māmā and tamariki exit our programme, we remain actively involved for three months. We visit in the community and support the whānau to establish and strengthen support networks outside.
What this looks like can be very different from one wahine to the next, depending on need, what other supports are available, and what the wahine wants in terms of our level of involvement.
The wāhine and tamariki who share a part of their journey with us, in our programme become whānau. Our relationships are strong and for many, contact is maintained long after their time with us.